Saturday 9/24/11

1. Back Squat 5/45% 5/60% 5/70% 5+/80% (10min)
2. Sumo Pick (Shin to Knee) 5/45% 5/60% 5/70% 5+/80% (10min)
3. Walking Lunge w/ Barbell on Back 20-20-20+ (8min)
4. Seated Band Curls 10-10-10+ (6min)
5. Slide Bord Adduction 10-10-10+ each leg (5min)
6. Plate Bridges w/ Feet on 12″ Box 10-10-10+ (5min)
7. Hyper Extension 12-12-12+ (5min)
Mental: none

Spiritual: none


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