
Showing posts from 2011

Wednesday 10/19/11

Physical: none (sick - rest day) Mental: 20 min. breathing meditation Spiritual: read Prov. Ch 19. Notes: I've been lagging lately. I have been doing the physical workouts, but I slip on the bible reading/sermons and meditations. I don't know why I do this to myself. I know the immediate benefits from doing all three in congruence, yet I don't do them consistently. I've also been sick since Friday night. I got the flu and I'm still not recovered from it.

Tuesday 10/18/11

Physical: none - still sick Mental: 20 min. lying breathing meditation Spiritual: Read Prov Ch 18 Notes: none

Wednesday 10/5/11

Physical : Rest/recovery day Mental : 20 min. seated meditation Spiritual : Read Proverbs Ch 5 Notes : One of my favorite articles from Gym Jones ( TALENT The Talent Myth BY SCOTT SEMPLE "My mother said to me, 'If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.' Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso." A friend and training mentor once told me, "The secret of the pros is that they train in secret." For a while that made sense. It seemed that where performance is highly optimized -- and where optimization is highly coveted -- it would make sense that methodology would be closely guarded. But secret methodology is the province of world-class athletes; not of participants; nor of enthusiasts. Most people -- if sufficiently motivated, and if unencumbered by lame excuses that they assign to genetics -- want to know the secret that distinguishes the pros from thems...

Tuesday 10/4/11

Physical : 1. DeadLift 5/45% 5/65% 5/75% 2. Good Morning 3×6 3. GH Sit Up 4. Full GHD 3×6 Mental : 20 min. seated meditation Spiritual : Read prov. Ch 4 This verse stands out me: 23   Watch  over your  heart  with  all  diligence , For  from it flow the  springs  of  life .  Mostly because I'm reminded of a time when my pastor was explaining to me the Jewish tradition of saying heart when they are talking about the mind and gut when they talk about "heart," and loins when they are talking about "going with your gut feeling." So in reality, this verse is saying that we should watch over our thoughts with diligence, because our thoughts create our behaviors, values, and ultimately the results and our "life." This is a great reminder for me. I tend to focus on the negative, a lot. This is really, really counterproductive and destructive.   Notes : I need to remind myself often that victory comes after fait...

Monday 10/3/11

Physical : 1. Press 5/45% 5/65% 5/75% 2. Wide Grip Row 5/45% 5/65% 5/75% 3. Planche Push Up 3×6 4. Weighted Pull Up 3×6 5. 1 Arm Bent Over Row 3x10ea Mental: 20 min. lying breathing meditation Spiritual: None

Saturday 9/24/11

Physical : 1. Back Squat 5/45% 5/60% 5/70% 5+/80% (10min) 2. Sumo Pick (Shin to Knee) 5/45% 5/60% 5/70% 5+/80% (10min) 3. Walking Lunge w/ Barbell on Back 20-20-20+ (8min) 4. Seated Band Curls 10-10-10+ (6min) 5. Slide Bord Adduction 10-10-10+ each leg (5min) 6. Plate Bridges w/ Feet on 12″ Box 10-10-10+ (5min) 7. Hyper Extension 12-12-12+ (5min) Mental : none Spiritual : none

Friday 9/23/11

Physical : Jobes  2-3×15-20ea (8min) 1. Bench Press 5/45% 5/60% 5/70% 5+/80% (10min) 2. Bench Row 5/45% 5/60% 5/70% 5+/80% (10min) 3. Dips 4xAMAP (8min) 4. Chin Ups 4xAMAP (8min) 5. Barbell Floor Skull Crusher 10-10-10+ each arm (5min) 6. Barbell Reverse Curls 10-10-10+ (5min) Total Time = 66min / 1.1hrs Mental : 20 min. lying breathing meditation Spiritual : Read Prov Ch 23

Thursday 9/22/11

Physical: Rest Mental: none Spiritual: none

Wednesday 9/21/11

Physical: Rest Mental: none Spiritual: none

Tuesday 9/20/11

Physical: 1. Box Squats w/ Chain (60 to 120lbs of chain) 5/45% 4/65% 3/80% 3-4×1-2/92.5% (30min) 2. Band Sumo DeadLift 5/45% 4/65% 3/80% 3-4×1-2/92.5% (30min) - 5 Sets (#3 & 4 / AHAP) (10min) 3. Lateral Barbell Squat 5ea 4. 1x 2 Box Jumps Up (Don’t open hip) + 3 Box Jumps Over + 5 Quick Bounds 5. RDL+Zercher Squat 1+3-1+3-1+3-1+3-1+3 (15min) 6. Weighted Full GHD (Use plate) 5-5-5-5-5 (10min) 7. Stretch (12min) Total Time = 107min / 1.8hrs Mental: none Spiritual: none

Monday 9/19/11

Physical: Jobes 4×10-12ea 1. 2″ Bord Press 5/45% 4/65% 3/80% 3-4×1-2/92.5% 2. Band (Resisted) Wide Grip Pull Up 5/45% 4/65% 3/80% 3-4×1-2/92.5% 3. Narrow Grip Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 4. Reverse Grip Bent Over Row 3-3-3-3-3 5. Pull Over 3-3-3-3-3 Mental: 20 min. breathing meditation Spiritual: Read Prov. Ch 19 To me, the heart of it all; Prov 19:20 20 Hear counsel, receive instruction, and accept correction, that you may be wise in the time to come. AMP

Sunday 9/18/11


Saturday 9/17/11

Physical: 1. Back Squat 8/55% 8/65% 8+/75% 2. Clean Pull from Blocks (Mid-Thigh) 8/55% 8/65% 8+/75% 3. Walking Lunge w/ Barbell on Back 20-20-20+ 4. GH Rise 10-10-10+ 5. Standing Band Adduction 10-10-10+ each leg 6. Barbell Bridges 10-10-10+ 7. Reverse Hyper Extension 12-12-12+ Mental: none Spiritual: none

Friday 9/16/11

Physical: Jobes  3×10-15ea 1. Press 8/55% 8/65% 8+/75% 2. Bent Over Row 8/55% 8/65% 8+/75% 3. Dips 3xAMAP 4. Chin Ups 3xAMAP 5. 1 Arm Band Kick Back 10-10-10+ each arm 6. Dumbbell Rotational Curls 10-10-10+ Mental: none Spritual: none

Thursday 9/15/11

Physical: Rest Mental: none Spiritual: Read Prov. Ch 15

Wednesday 9/14/11

Rest day

Tuesday 9/13/11

Physical : 1. Box Squats w/ Chain (60 to 120lbs of chain) 5/45% 4/65% 3/80% 2-3×1-3/90% 2. Band Sumo DeadLift 5/45% 4/65% 3/80% 2-3×1-3/90% 3. High Box Barbell Step Up 5-5-5-5-5ea 4. Dumbbell Single Leg RDL’s 5-5-5-5-5ea 5. 2 Box Jumps Up (Don’t open hip) + 3 Box Jumps Over + 5 Quick Bounds 1-1-1-1-1 6. Weighted Full GHD (Use plate) 5-5-5-5-5 Mental : 15 min. wisdom (guided from USCD) Spiritual : Read Prov. Ch 13 

Monday 9/12/11

Physical : Jobes  3×10-15ea  1. Bench Press w/ Chain (60 to 120lbs of chain) 5/45% 4/65% 3/80% 2-3×1-3/90% 2. Band (Resisted) Pull Up 5/45% 4/65% 3/80% 2-3×1-3/90% 3. Barbell Skull Crusher 5-5-5-5-5 4. 1 Arm Row 5-5-5-5-5ea 5. Pull Over 5-5-5-5-5 Mental : 20 min. seated meditation Spiritual : Read Prov. CH 12 This first verse summed it up for me. Prov 12:1 WHOEVER LOVES instruction and correction loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is like a brute beast, stupid and indiscriminating. AMP In the most basic terms, wisdom is the ability to humble yourself and fear the LORD God. The key concept in humility is to accept correction. The key concept in fearing the LORD is don't do something to upset Him, He's active, He will punish sin.  Simple is not easy though. 

Saturday 9/10/11

No post today. Rest day across the board.

Firday 9/9/11

Physical: 1. Pin DeadLift (Mid-Thigh to Lock Out) 10-8-6-4-2-2-2-2-2/AHAP 2. Back Squats w/ Chains @ (M=160lbs, W=120lbs) 10×3/60% of 1RM Back Squat, rest 20 sec between sets. -3 Sets 3. Lateral Squat 12ea 4. Swiss Ball Leg Curls 12 5. Reverse Leg Swings w/ Band 12 -3 Sets 6. Single Leg Box Squat 10ea 7. Single Leg RDL’s 10ea 8. Swings 10 Mental: 20 min. Seated meditation -I've been doing these "unguided," but if there is anyone that might be reading this that wants to start a little slower, here is a link to the UC San Diego center for Mindfulness. These are free downloads.  Spiritual: Today being the 9th, I read through Proverbs Ch.9, the micro section that stuck out to me was 7-10. Here is a copy from the Amplified version of the bible in Biblesoft. Prov 9:7-10 7 He who rebukes a scorner heaps upon himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man gets for himself bruises. 8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love...

Thursday 9/8/11

Physical : Warm-up: Foam roll, dynamic, mobility wall corner stretch (pec minor release/mid trap activation) Jobes  10-15ea 2x (I switch circuits each week and I cut out internal rotation exercises) "prayer stretches" - Pec minor mobility on foam roller - I also include these between sets when I bench press, it seems to help keep my bar path smooth and in it's groove. Workout: 1. Press 5xAMAP/50% of BW (15min) 2. Ring Rows w/feet on box 5×AMAP (15min) 3 Sets 3. Push Ups w/feet on box 10x 4. Chin Ups 10x 5. Dumbbell Pull Over 10x 3 Sets 6. Straight Arm Lat Pull Down 12x 7. Dumbbell Incline Fly’s (Do it on flat bench.) 12x 3 Sets 8. Dumbbell Rotation Curls 12x 9. Standing Dumbbell Skull Crusher 12x Mental : 20 min. seated-breathing-meditation Spiritual : Proverbs Ch8. This section caught my attention. Prov 8:17-21 17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me early and diligently shall find me. [1 Sam 2:30; Ps 91:14; John 14:21; ...

Wednesday 9/7/11

Physical:  Warm Up: SMR, mobility, dynamic IT Band release with baseball quad set 2x10 wall squat 3x 50m Sled drag with 45# Then: 1. Front Squat 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1-*1-*1/As Heavy As Possible (ASHAP) *Do not miss! 2. Clean Pull 10×2/60% of 1RM Deadlift one rep every 3 sec & rest 20 sec between sets. Drop it at the top. 3 Sets of: 3. Barbell Split Squat 12ea 4. Air Box Squat (2″ bellow parallel) + Box Jump Over (12-32″) 3×1+1 3 Sets of: 5. Single Leg Squat 6ea 6. Seated Good Mornings 10 7. Leg Swings 10 8. Stretch (6-12min) Mental/Spiritual: 20 min. breathing meditation Notes: I decided to change the blog to be a blog of what I actually do on a daily basis. In the past it was more idealistic and I was not really that motivated to keep it up. The physical programming is from Max consults me on my programming for powerlifting. The mental/ spiritual  is still from Mindful Meditation and  primarily  from the Bible ...

Sunday 8/21/11

Physical: Three rounds for time of: 12 Muscle-ups 75 Squats WOD Demo with the women of Valley CrossFit by Again Faster Equipment - video   ( wmv ) ( mov ) Mental: None Spiritual:  1 Peter 3:15-22 "Keeping Good Conscience"Series: The Epistles of Peter

Saturday 8/20/11

Physical: Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 reps Mental:  20 Minute Seated Meditation Spiritual: 1Peter 3 1-14

Friday 8/19/11

Physical: Do: "Isabel" For time: Snatch 135 pounds, 30 reps Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed. Demo by Again Faster Equipment Read: Logic Does Not Apply III: a Calorie is not a Calorie Mental: 20 Minute Body Scan Spiritual: Read, The Art of Simple Living  - by Matt Bell

Thursday 8/18/11

Physical: Rest Mental:  10 Minute Wisdom Meditation Spiritual: 1Peter and 2Peter

Wednesday 8/17/11

Physical: 10 rounds for time of: Sprint 100 meters 10 Pull-ups Sprint 100 meters 10 Burpees Rest 30 seconds Mental:  20 Minute Seated Meditation Spiritual: Read,  The Problems of Non-Denominationalism

Tuesday 8/16/11

Physical: Run 5k Mental:  45 Minute Body Scan Spiritual: Check out  CrossWalk Bible Study Links

Monday 8/15/11

Physical: With a continuously running clock, do one pull-up and one handstand push-up the first minute, two pull-ups and two handstand push-ups the second minute, three pull-ups and three handstand push-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, continue only with the other as long as you are able Mental: Body Scan Remember that your mind will wonder away, it's ok, the point of the exercise is when it does you bring it back into the present moment. Spiritual: Listen ; 1Peter 2 1-10

Sunday 8/14/11

Physical: Rest Mental: 15 Minute Lovingkindess Meditation Spiritual: Read, Ministry Purposes of the Disciple Cente r

Saturday 8/13/11

Physical: Behind the neck Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Build up to a 1 rep max, increase load each time. Mental: Rest Spiritual: Read  Doctrinal Distinctives of the Disciple Center

Friday 8/12/11

Physical: 8 rounds as quick as possible of 5x Front Squat (be smart, be safe - speed is the goal) 25x Push ups (use rings if you have them) Mental: Meditate -   15 Minute Lovingkindess Meditation Spiritual: Read - Biblical Financial Stewardship

Thursday 8/11/11

Physical: Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of: 400 meter run 5 Deadlifts Mental: Seated Meditation Spiritual: Read : The Great Commission 

Wednesday 8/10/11

Physical: Rest Mental: Body Scan Spiritual: Listen ; 1 Peter Ch. 1 V. 1-12

Saturday 7/30/11

Physical: Rest Mental: 45 min. Meditation, Body Scan Spiritual: read: What is Discipleship

Firday 7/29/11

Physical: Run 800m for time, rest 3 min. 3 rounds Mental: Listen - 45 min. body scan (from UCSD) Spiritual: Read - Spiritual Disciplines  by Dr. H. Bruce Stokes

Thursday 7/28/11

Physical : Three Rounds for time: 135# Clean and Jerk Muscle Up 12-9-6 reps of ea. Scale appropriatly for skill and level of fitness. Mental : 5 min. breathing meditation  ( play ) ( mp3 download ) Spiritual :  "Series Intro" of 1 and 2 Peter Verses:   1 Peter 1-2, 2 Peter 1-2. Listen