
Showing posts from October, 2011

Wednesday 10/19/11

Physical: none (sick - rest day) Mental: 20 min. breathing meditation Spiritual: read Prov. Ch 19. Notes: I've been lagging lately. I have been doing the physical workouts, but I slip on the bible reading/sermons and meditations. I don't know why I do this to myself. I know the immediate benefits from doing all three in congruence, yet I don't do them consistently. I've also been sick since Friday night. I got the flu and I'm still not recovered from it.

Tuesday 10/18/11

Physical: none - still sick Mental: 20 min. lying breathing meditation Spiritual: Read Prov Ch 18 Notes: none

Wednesday 10/5/11

Physical : Rest/recovery day Mental : 20 min. seated meditation Spiritual : Read Proverbs Ch 5 Notes : One of my favorite articles from Gym Jones ( TALENT The Talent Myth BY SCOTT SEMPLE "My mother said to me, 'If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.' Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso." A friend and training mentor once told me, "The secret of the pros is that they train in secret." For a while that made sense. It seemed that where performance is highly optimized -- and where optimization is highly coveted -- it would make sense that methodology would be closely guarded. But secret methodology is the province of world-class athletes; not of participants; nor of enthusiasts. Most people -- if sufficiently motivated, and if unencumbered by lame excuses that they assign to genetics -- want to know the secret that distinguishes the pros from thems...

Tuesday 10/4/11

Physical : 1. DeadLift 5/45% 5/65% 5/75% 2. Good Morning 3×6 3. GH Sit Up 4. Full GHD 3×6 Mental : 20 min. seated meditation Spiritual : Read prov. Ch 4 This verse stands out me: 23   Watch  over your  heart  with  all  diligence , For  from it flow the  springs  of  life .  Mostly because I'm reminded of a time when my pastor was explaining to me the Jewish tradition of saying heart when they are talking about the mind and gut when they talk about "heart," and loins when they are talking about "going with your gut feeling." So in reality, this verse is saying that we should watch over our thoughts with diligence, because our thoughts create our behaviors, values, and ultimately the results and our "life." This is a great reminder for me. I tend to focus on the negative, a lot. This is really, really counterproductive and destructive.   Notes : I need to remind myself often that victory comes after fait...

Monday 10/3/11

Physical : 1. Press 5/45% 5/65% 5/75% 2. Wide Grip Row 5/45% 5/65% 5/75% 3. Planche Push Up 3×6 4. Weighted Pull Up 3×6 5. 1 Arm Bent Over Row 3x10ea Mental: 20 min. lying breathing meditation Spiritual: None